HTML: HTML stands for “Hypertext Markup Language.” It’s used to create the structure of a webpage. When you save an HTML document, it’s saved with an .html extension. This file is essentially a text document that contains specific tags defining how content is displayed on the webpage. For instance, using the <H1> tag around text will make it larger and styled differently. HTML is essential for structuring the content of your webpage, but it doesn’t add any interactivity.

CSS: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style HTML elements. You can include CSS directly within HTML using the ‘style’ attribute. Alternatively, you can define styles in a <style> tag or an external .css file. CSS controls aspects like font styles, colors, and positioning. For instance, adding a ‘color:red;’ style to an element will make the text red. CSS enhances the visual appearance of your webpage.

Programming Language: Programming languages like JavaScript are used to add interactivity and intelligence to web pages. They enable actions such as user interactions, animations, and data manipulation. JavaScript, for example, allows you to create dynamic content that responds to user input. Programming languages provide the logic and functionality behind your webpage, allowing it to interact with users and perform actions.

In summary, HTML structures content, CSS styles elements, and programming languages like JavaScript add functionality. Together, these components create the dynamic and visually appealing web experiences we encounter every day. Watch the video for a better understanding, and feel free to explore the code used in the video.