Prior to the introduction of video cameras, companies could only advertise their products or services using signs and still images. Video has become a vital part of marketing in the modern world. Multi-sensory stimulation makes it powerful. Web Design Matrix is the best company to choose for Video Production Delray Beach.
Video Production Delray Beach - There are many factors to consider when deciding on video production. Video production is not the same as website design. Each customer is unique. Understanding your budget is important. Video companies can help you decide what’s feasible. Customers are looking for videos between 3-4 mins in length, with actors and beautiful locations. Post-production special effects are also required. Video production can be complicated and requires a large staff. It will require more staff. This level of video production can easily cost $30000.
This type of production is usually reserved for large companies. Budgets of small and medium businesses are typically smaller. Web Design Matrix is able to accommodate any budget. We work with small businesses to large corporations. Send us any footage that you’ve already shot. Voice Over and advanced editing techniques will be used to edit and mix the footage. Here is an example video that we produced without ever visiting the client’s home.
Video of your business is almost a must and can encourage customers to call. Video quality is important. A high school student using a tiny camera is not always the best option. Web Design Matrix is capable of editing and shooting at 4K resolution. Contact us to create a video for you business. Our video specialist can be reached by calling extension 105.
Web Design Matrix offers more than just video production in Delray Beach. We are a digital agency. Our team includes graphic designers, SEO specialists and content writers who are social media experts. Monthly SEO packages will get you to the front page of Google!