Wordpress Web Development

wordpress web development


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So you’ve decided to make your own website, but are having some issues with the WordPress Web Development. You thought it was going to be easy didn’t you? Even though wordpress is one of the most simple full featured and fully customizable web platforms available today, you need someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to wordpress web development. You might be wondering what is considered a good website and how can I develop a good WordPress Website or on any other platform.

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Key Features

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Well what is the goal of your website? 9/10 a website is made to make your business money. So if the definition of a “Good” website is one that can achieve that goal. To achieve that we at Web Design Matrix recommend the following.

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When clients navigate your website, the information should be clear and concise. Don’t clutter, and never complicate anything. Always remember that the customer shouldn’t have to jump through any hoops. Remember that your website is your first impression to the customer if that is a poor impression you could end up losing customers.  This is the aesthetics part of WordPress web development. There are thousands of templates that you can choose from, the issue is that you don’t want your website looking like everyone else’s, so unless you have the ability to highly customize your templates you won’t really be able to have a website that is unique to your business.

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A blog is crucial to any website! For clients to find your website you need to do some kind of SEO. Here at Web Design Matrix we specialize in SEO we earned a Google Partner Title because of our Expertise. Basically, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This will help your possible customers find your website. If you’d like to learn more you can actually download our free E-Book, CLICK HERE.

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One very common mistake when doing WordPress web development is to simply focus on the aesthetics. The content is actually the most important part! Google doesn’t really look at how nice your website looks. What google reads is your content. When you simply copy the text from someone else’s website google actually begins to demote you. So you need to have rich, industry relevant content. We understand that this can be difficult, to make this easier Web Design Matrix has 2 Full-Time Content writers on staff. We not only understand the role of original content in WordPress web development, but we believe that without it, your website is virtually worthless.

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E-commerce is much more difficult than a simple service based website. You have to create many more pages, you need to integrate credit card processing, you need to add all the products, and most importantly your website must be secure. There are many other steps, but these are the main and most important.

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Woocommerce is the most popular and our go-to choice for e-commerce WordPress Web Development. This powerful platform inside of WordPress is most times the perfect choice for most of our customers. The majority of our customers who have an e-commerce business, depend on Woocommerce to run all of their online sales. It is extremely reliable, and even gives you metrics. We’ve completely mastered the platform, our developers can customize Woocommerce to fit in with the needs of your business!

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WordPress Web Development

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Harder than it looks huh? These are just the birds-eye-view of what it takes to begin developing your wordpress website. Web Design Matrix always picks at the details. If you’re tired of doing websites with that web guy that takes your money and never completes your project. We are a business with a full staff that will works in conjunction with each other to bring you a website that will take your business to the next level! If you need a website and want a trustworthy company, you can call us or chat us, and if you’re local here in South Florida you can come by our offices and meet with us. You can even sit with our designers and have changes done in real time! ’ + ‘Call us today, and stop playing cat and mouse with your previous WordPress Web Developer.
