Fix Hacked Wordpress Site

wordpress hacked fix


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Hacked WordPress website? Unfortunately, you’re not the only one. Within the last weeks, our website security specialist have seen an incredible spike in the amount of hacked WordPress websites. These hackers, for the most part, are not after any personal information or even after any monetary gain. Most of the time they’re simply out there to do harm for harm’s sake. As Albert said in Batman “some men just want to watch the world burn” in this case it’s the World Wide Web. We’ve seen a lot of “hacked by shade” and “hacked by Muhammad.” Now you may be wondering how to fight and prevent these hacks, and if you’ve fallen vulnerable to these attacks you need to clean up your site, so you can get back to focusing on what’s important. How to WordPress Hacked Fix.

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Don’t Try This At Home

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There are certain things that you should always leave to the trained professionals. Fixing your hacked WordPress website is absolutely one of them. We’ve seen people attempt to fix this themselves and it normally ends very badly. Even though these attacks look simply, these hackers attack the root of your website, and whenever you attempt to actually delete them, we’ve seen in our experience that this can actually crash your entire website, and unless you have a backup ready this can lead to a loss of thousands of dollars! Don’t be that guy. We have specialized packages with experienced WordPress developers ready to fix your site, and we install software that will prevent this from occurring in the future.

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Here at Web Design Matrix, we run very large e-commerce businesses, these businesses are always subject to these attacks. Within the last few months we’ve had some clients get attacked, but within the same day they were back up and running. We value our customers, and always want to make sure that their websites are safe. Our customers can focus on their running their businesses because they know they have the power and experience of the Web Design Matrix Team backing them! No matter the issue your WordPress Hacked fix.

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WordPress Hacked Fix

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There are various reasons why you could be getting targeted by these hackers. Through our experience, these hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities in order to access your information. These vulnerabilities if left unpatched can lead to your site being hacked. The prior can come through outdated plugins and WordPress. Now we have to warn you. DO NOT UPDATE!!!!! We cannot stress how important it is you do not update! These have to properly be updated at an FTP Server level, and then properly reconfigured, or you could end up with a crashed website. It can be extremely dangerous to attempt this. So please contact a WordPress developer. We have a security package ready to go, and this issue is normally fixed within the same business day.

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